If you like people and law is your passion, then this offer for work or cooperation with our office is addressed to you. 


We have always believed that any work must be rewarded. Hence, we do not offer unpaid internships. When deciding on cooperation, we will clearly define our requirements and expectations, as well as the principles of the salary. We offer an opportunity for professional development to students after the third year, law graduates and apprentices who want to acquire or improve practical skills in the application of various law fields.

What is always expected?

  • a minimum grade point average of 4.5 and at least one very good grade in civil, criminal or administrative procedure
  • at the minimum, good knowledge of the Law on Advocacy and the rules of the advocacy profession
  • practical knowledge of at least one foreign language, including legal terminology
  • accuracy and regularity in carrying out assigned tasks
  • very well organized in work with particular emphasis on task orientation
  • ability to work in a team

What do we additionally expect from attorneys or counselors?

  • high skills or practical ability in different fields of law
  • or high specialization in one of the fields of law
  • persuasive skills

What do we offer?

  • an opportunity to verify theoretical knowledge in practice
  • an opportunity to gain valuable experience
  • an access to necessary work tools
  • flexible execution of tasks taking into account the acquisition of legal knowledge
  • a possibility of permanent employment and starting a legal career in the center of Warsaw
  • support in choosing a specialization and orientation of legal knowledge
  • excitement of exceptional real cases
  • close-knit team
  • secure salary for the work performed

Please send your resume with a cover letter to:  kancelaria@broniszewski.legal


    Send us your resume

    * These information are required